Want to increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your AdWords campaign?
Of course you do, and it can be a lot easier than you’d think. Here are five simple things you can do to increase the CTR of your ads.
Add a Trademark Symbol
Have you registered your brand’s trademark yet? The unique name of your business or product can be registered as a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). With a registered trademark, you can add the ® symbol to your text ads. You can also use the ™ symbol without a registered trademark. Adding these symbols to the text of your AdWords campaign adds a sense of authority to your ad, and it encourages more people to click on it.
Make Your URLs Hyper Descriptive
Use the 35-character display limit for links on your ad to display hyper descriptive URLs. Change the display links on your ad, and experiment to find out which ones give you the highest CTR. Eliminate the “www.” so you have more characters to use for your link. Try a link like this: domainname.com/descriptive-text; or a link in this format: descriptive-text.domainname.com. You can also try dynamic keyword insertion with a link like this: domainname.com/{keyword:descriptive-text}.
Improve the Text of Your Ad
Exactly what you write in the copy of your ad can make all the difference when it comes to your CTR. They key is to focus on solving the problem that the searcher is having. When people search, they are looking for answers or solutions, so focus on explaining in the text of your ad how the link will help them. You need to think carefully about who your potential customers are and what they’re thinking so that you can make your ad speak directly to them. Improve the creativity and functionality of your ad, and you will get a higher CTR. Also closely examine the text of your competitors’ ads.
Add the Right Link Extensions
You should make use of sitelink extensions in your AdWords campaign. Link extensions give you more opportunities to catch the attention of searchers and to convince them to click. If a searcher is looking for one thing in particular, your link extensions could be your products or pages that most closely relate to what they’re looking for, in addition to what they’re specifically look for. The extensions should be as relevant as possible. You can experiment with adding 3, 4, or 6 extensions, and you can also experiment with how you use the 35-character allotment for each to describe the links.
Use Brand Name Keywords
Make your brand name keywords part of your AdWords campaign. Your brand name keywords have a much lower cost per click (CPC) in comparison to general keywords that your competitors want, too. Also include up to six link extensions that are associated with your brand name and are closely related. Use hyper descriptive URLs and link text to boost the CTR of searchers using brand name keywords.
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