Friday, July 27, 2018

Guide to driving more traffic with responsive search ads

Welcome the Google's All new Responsive Search Ads

The Beginning: Responsive Display Ads

Google is consistenly rolling out the updates in the past year and a half. One of their major updates towards automation is Responsive ads. What advertisers need to do is quite simple. Just enter the text, image, and logo of the ad. The ads will get optimized based on the advertising block they get assigned on a webpage. What's amazing is that these display responsive ads will adjust to all sizes that google ads support. Even the image, logos will show when there is a chance of getting clicks. These ads were a big success since they were cheap and delivering a lot of traffic, low CPA for most advertisers.

Responsive ads for Search

Responsive search ads preview
Responsive Search Ads on Google Ads 

According to Google, responsive ads for search are easy to create and manage. Below is an excerpt from their blog regarding the search responsive ads.

Simply provide up to 15 headlines and 4 description lines, and Google will do the rest. By testing different combinations, Google learns which ad creative performs best for any search query. So people searching for the same thing might see different ads based on context.

We know this kind of optimization works: on average, advertisers who use Google’s machine learning to test multiple creative see up to 15 percent more clicks.

Responsive search ads will start rolling out to advertisers over the next several months.

Notably, these responsive search ads are not available for all the advertisers as they are still in beta and will continue to roll out to advertisers in coming months. It will be interesting to see the results as these automated text ads may not fit for all the industries and verticals. 

Another Step towards Automation and machine learning

Its great to see Google moving towards automation with their machine learning technologies. Earlier this year Google introduced new features such as automatic ad suggestions, smart display campaigns. This was apart from their enhanced CPC bidding and targeting strategies for the keywords. Google has data of over million advertisers and the purchase behaviors of their customers, the responsive search ads will help the advertisers find relevant ads on the search page and drive traffic to their website.

Stay tuned for the post on smart display campaigns coming up on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Good one, as a business or blogger the challenge is always good or targeted traffic. Google understands this in every way to support the advertiser by optimizing the ads to deliver more results. Thanks,
