Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Infographic: A Day In The Life Of The Internet

2.4 billion internet users worldwide with 70% of them using the internet every day. That’s 37.3% of the world’s population… an increase of 566% since the year 2000. The number of mobile devices used to access the Internet has doubled, with 38% of media interactions every day made on smartphones. 139,000 new websites go live and 144 billion emails are sent… 68.8% of the emails are spam! Google still dominates the search market with 88% market share. Users are spending 3.2 hours on average every day now on Social Media. An hour of video is uploaded every second on YouTube, where 4 billion videos are viewed for 133 million hours.
Internet Daily Stats
Source: A Day in The Life of The Internet via HostGator

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